March of Dimes
Their Research SAVED Austin's Life!
The March of Dimes – March for Babies
This is a cause that is VERY DEAR TO OUR HEARTS! You see, our little grandson, Austin Thomas Alexander, age 2, would not be with us today if it were not for the research and development of drugs used to save the lives of many preemies every single day! Not one little life should be lose because of lack of funds in developing these new "Life-Saving" Treatments!

Our son, Andy, and his wife, Stephanie, along with our precious grandson,
Austin Thomas Alexander (age 2) have been named the…
"Ambassador Family" for the Anderson County March of Dimes, March for Babies for 2012.
Austin has been named the Anderson County March of Dimes 2012 "Ambassador"
We want Austin's story to serve as an inspiration to others by helping spread awareness of the March of Dimes and all that they do to save "little lives". We have a family team called "Miles Into Miracles", that will walk in the "March for Babies Walk". We feel every single mile walked and every dollar raised brings us closer to more miracles.
Our Family Goal is to raise $3,300 for the 33 days Austin spent in the NICU,
but, of course, we would be THRILLED to be able to raise much more!

Pictures From Austin's Second Birthday!
Austin's Story
Austin, born at 31 weeks, spent 33 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Greenville Memorial Hospital. The March of Dimes and their research aided in the development of a new drug, surfactant, as well as other drugs which saved Austin's life.

Austin Thomas Alexander Just a few hours old:
Weighing 3 lbs., 5 oz.

Our sweet little baby on a C-Pap Machine
Austin was first diagnosed with Respiratory Distress Syndrome or RDS, a lung malfunction. He was put on a ventilator for 6 days followed by 2 days on a C-Pap machine. Austin had to receive 3 doses of Surfacant, a medicine which opened his lungs.
They discovered he had pneumonia as well as a hole in his heart, known as a PDA. He was given a medicine to repair that hole. This drug had side effects which could have shut down his intestines, so all feedings were stopped at that time. Andy and Stephanie got to hold Austin just a few minutes for the first time right before this treatment was started. After 23 days, test results showed that the hole had closed, and his intestines were fine. When a bottle was started, it took him 30 minutes to drink 1/2 teaspoon of milk. He couldn't breath and eat at the same time, so several times he turned blue making him have to be put back on a feeding tube and oxygen. If not for the Grace of God, and the March of Dimes, Austin would not be with us today. Our goal as a family is to raise awareness and funds for the March of Dimes.
Our Personal Goal
As my husband, Steve, and I were thinking about what we could personally do to raise the much needed funds we have pledged to the March of Dimes, I came up with an idea. I decided to give each of you who donates a minimum of $25.00 to our March of Dimes team: "Miles Into Miracles", two FREE gifts along with having your name entered into a drawing. The winner of this drawing will have a chance of receiving a $200 Custom Wreath designed especially by me.
Drawing for a Custom Wreath
As you probably already know, Ladybug Wreaths' Custom Designs are VERY SPECIAL!
So, I want to GIVE AWAY one of these Very Special, Custom Designed Wreaths!
This is just ONE of the ways Steve and I can contribute by raising much needed money for the March of Dimes – March for Babies! Ladybug Wreaths will be holding the drawing on April 28, 2012, on the day of the "March For Babies" walk.
And…That's Not All!

"Yard Sale Treasures" E-Book ($37.00 Value)
"Be My Valentine" How-to Video ($19.00 Value)
The Information is as Follows:
- For every $25 donation, your name will be entered into our drawing. For example: If you donate $75.00, your name will be entered THREE times, etc.!
- Checks must be made out to "The March of Dimes"
- In the subject line put: For: Miles Into Miracles Team
- Checks must be mailed to: Ladybug Wreaths, 203 Regent Road, Anderson, SC, 29621
- All Checks must be received BEFORE April 21, 2012
- The drawing will be held on April 28, 2012… the day of the walk.
- We will film my grandson, Austin, and I drawing the name for the "Lucky Winner"
- The Winner will be notified by email as soon as possible, after the walk has ended.
- Also after the walk, each of you who have made a donation of at least $25.00 will be sent the download links to the e-book and video!
A Lucky Winner Will Receive a Brand New
Custom Designed Wreath Valued at $200.00
(shipping included)
You can click on the link below which will lead you to my Etsy Store to see more
Spring and Summer Wreaths which are for sale right now.