Tag Archive | videos

Christmas Spirit

I Have the Christmas Spirit

Oh yes, I certainly do know what you’re thinking….Seems a little crazy to me also.  But to retailers – Christmas is upon us.  I have ordered and received all of my Christmas supplies.  My shop is filled to overflowing.  And…. my husband’s garage, which he lost to me a long time ago, is stacked to the rafters.  We have arms attached to every wall sticking way out into the middle of the garage, and they are filled with our wild birch wreath forms and birch baskets.

Tables run right down the center with open boxes of Christmas supplies stacked upon each other.  Every one is open with little twigs of reds, greens, glittered treasures, and ornaments.  Santa and Snowman heads, yes, and bodies are hanging out of one box, while garlands are hanging out of another.  The shelves around the walls are full.  It’s like walking into a very cold (no heat) winter wonderland. 

It is so much fun now that we are designing our Christmas creations!  We have about 6 new wreaths made and ready to list.  That is, as soon as my computer expert, John, comes over this morning and gets the virus off my computer which I somehow managed, last night, to entice to join me!  I am usually very careful, and never take a chance, but there was a free program that I wanted so very  badly, that my greed took the place of my common sense, and yes, I got in trouble!  A quick call to John at 8:30, and I was hearing a message saying…..flip the switch…..turn the whole system off, and don’t touch it until I can get there in the morning.

Boy, what a downer.  I had a teacher coming over to give me my weekly class on Photo Shop, and after that I was all ready, with pictures already loaded to list all of my newly made wreaths.  Shirley made these for me yesterday while I was typing away and working on my website, and eBay.

But, I am all ready to go this morning.  It is 8 am, and Shirley is in the shop working away, I am working on my husband’s computer gettings shipping labels printed and orders answered while awaiting the computer expert’s arrival.  I WANT and NEED my own computer back – I am totally lost without it!

OK, I know that is enought ranting and raving for this morning!  Tee Hee Hee!!! 

Oh, I almost forgot, “THE CONTEST” you have exactly 26 days left to sign up for newsletter contest.  The response has been phenonemal – over 100 new members in the last 2 1/2 weeks.  By joining my newsletter list, you have a chance to win  any of over $1,000.00 worth of prizes!  The drawing will be November 15th at noon eastern time.  Make sure you enter, and get your name added to my free newsletter.  By reading in the posting below, you can find out exactly what each prize is – and I mean, they are really GREAT prizes.

In the upcoming months, we have so many articles about Christmas and home decorating, tips on wreath and floral design, and more contests as well as give-aways on the horizon.  So, join now, and don’t miss any of these very special treats we have in store for you!  Oh, also, and now is the time to purchase your Instructional Floral Design Videos!  You have time to get them in, view them, go shoping for all your supplies, and then begin making all of your Christmas presents for this year.  Your friends and family will be so very impressed!!!!

Have a very special day filled with blooms and blossoms!  Smiles…. Nancy

Dare I, Should I, Well I Did..

Dare I, Should I?   Well… Yes, I Did..

I suppose by now that everyone who reads my blog, and shops on my website has seen all of the new videos which we’ve produced in the last year.  Well, it’s a lot…. ten in all…. I really cannot believe we have ten very good videos on floral design.  There are multiple ones on wreath making of all types, and styles, and experience levels, and two are on Centerpieces, oh and one on a table Christmas tree… and I musn’t forget Ribbons & Bows!

 These are really selling.  I’m having a hard time keeping some of all of them in stock!  The feedback I am receiving from loyal customers has been astounding.  I have ladies making wreaths and arrangements who have never attempted any florals in their lives.  And some who are selling their wreaths – yes…. that’s what I said, they are really selling their wreaths!  I am SO VERY PROUD OF ALL OF YOU! 

If anyone reading this wants to learn this wonderful, fun-filled, and rewarding hobby, all you have to do is purchase your first video, just take the step, and get started.  They are not expensive, and I promise you, they are not hard at all!  Actually they’re very easy with the way we describe each step with detailed text and close-up shots.  I haven’t met anyone yet that I couldn’t teach to design a floral piece, so I certainly don’t want you to be the first.  I have a money back guarantee on these…. so what do you have to loose?  You can click here to read about each one that is available for sale !

What does “Dare I, Should I, Well I Did…” mean?  Well, I am going to tell you this just because I need your prayers, your encouragement and good thoughts.  I have had several people urge me, and downright push me into applying to retail stores to sell my videos.  Well, after all these urgings by a lot of friends, realatives, and customers, I got up the nerve and did it – YES, I REALLY DID IT!   I sent off five (5) proposals last Friday to different retailers – with a copy of my newest video “Merry Christmas” in each and every one.  They should be arriving today or tomorrow.  I ask that you say a little prayer for me.  But truly, I know that if this is God’s will, it will happen.  I just pray that each one who receives my proposals takes the time to at least read each and listen to my video I made to introduce myself.  You can CLICK HERE  for a copy of my introduction video if you would like to see it – it’s about 4 minutes long.

I just felt like I needed to share that with you today.  I have come to really VALUE my new internet friends.  I have special friendships with many of you, and have received SO MUCH encouragement about my business.  I thank you so much….. and well, I guess we’ll just see what happens!

Have a wonderful week, with this hint of fall in the air!  I Just Love Fall!!! 

Smiles & Blossoms…. Nancy


Branding & Logos

New Logo and I Just Love It!

I have this wonderful new logo and I am so thrilled!  It symbolizes my wreaths, and my signature ladybug.  I am being “branded”!  I’m sure most of you know what that means, but for those who don’t, branding is a logo which symbolizes your business in many different applications.

I just have to tell you who is doing this for me.  She is the most tallented lady I have ever met, and her name is Katherine Brungs, President of Lacewing Communications LLC.  Linkedin You really need to take a look at Her Portfolio on guru!   I have never – ever found anyone that could create anything like this for me that I liked immediately without making changes. You can contact her here:   lacewingcom@gmail.com

 Even when I owned my storefront business, I  had to do my ad copy for the newspaper, because I was never happy with what they did.  I have even made all of my own business cards for years and years because I am so particular.  Well, Kathy you’re the BEST!!  Thank You!

This logo is now at the top of my website, it you would like to look at it there along with my new colors! www.ladybugwreaths.com

 Yes, I know – I am a color person,  I just can’t help it.  Colors just really do something for me and to me!!  Anyway these are some of my favorites, although there really are many!  And I guess you can tell from the colors on my blog which are some of my favorites also!   Tee Hee

Some very cool and exciting things are happening for me and my business right now.  I am going to share those with you because I need your good thoughts, and prayers.  I feel like God is leading me to get my videos into retail outlets for resale.  So we have been working VERY hard working on a presentation letter along with a newly filmed video presentation .  There is a long list of stores which we are planing to target, so I pray that if this is God’s will it will happen in a big way.  But if not, then I have lots of fun in the process along the way!

I thought I would share that video with you now if you’re interested:  Video Sales Promotion

I would really love to hear feedback from you! 

Smiles…. Nancy

 Have a wonderful day filled with many “blossoms!”